【Free Chat 雑談】 no games, just talk & anime!
配信チャンネル:Finana Ryugu 【NIJISANJI EN】
配信日時:終了2025年03月09日(日) 06:01:31~2025年03月09日(日) 10:55:26(13時間前終了), 4時間53分55秒
#FinanaRyugu #フィナーナ竜宮 #FinanaLive #Finanart #Ryugasm #Ryugraphics #Ryuguards #Finameme #LazuLight #にじさんじ #NIJISANJI
☆ Thumbnail - https://x.com/yoyoray20001996 ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ■ Digital/Physical Merchandise https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/finana-ryugu 【StreamLabs Donations】 https://streamlabs.com/finanaryuguschannel 【YouTube Membership】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw/join 【Hashtags】 ・GENERAL: #FinanaRyugu / #フィナーナ竜宮 ・LIVE: #FinanaLive ・SFW ART: #Finanart / 18+: #Ryugasm ・THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #Ryugraphics ・FAN NAME: #Ryuguards ・MEMES: #Finameme ・GROUP: #LazuLight ・MOON NAME: Dorufin ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ 【Stream Chat Rules】 ・Be respectful to other viewers including myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing (even speculations), etc. are not welcome here. ・No spam or trolling. Just block, report, and ignore those. ・No spoilers please unless I ask for it! ・Please stay on-topic with the livestream. No unrelated topics or personal side conversations. ・Do not mention other VTubers unless I mention them first. That includes mentioning me in other VTuber’s streams. ・You can chat in any language as long as the rules above are followed. ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ 【LazuLight】 【Finana Ryugu フィナーナ・竜宮】 - Me! https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu https://www.reddit.com/user/Finana_Ryugu https://www.twitch.tv/finanaryugu/ 【Elira Pendora エリーラ・ペンドラ】 https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow 【Pomu Rainpuff ぽむ・ れいんぱふ】 https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP4nMSTdwU1KqYWu3UH5DHQ ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ 【Official にじさんじ NIJISANJI Sites】 ・Website: https://www.nijisanji.jp/en ・ANYCOLOR: https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en ・Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World ・YouTube (EN): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JSeFfovhNsEhftt1WHMvg ・Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nijisanji_en ▽ Guidance for minors https://www.anycolor.co.jp/notice-for-minors-en ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ 【Credits】 ・BGMS - 使用BGMS DOVA-SYNDROME (https://dova-s.jp/) + OtoLogic (https://otologic.jp) ・Emotes - Kairui (https://twitter.com/Kairuichan) ・Alerts - https://twitter.com/DKlassic23 ・Intro/Outro Illustration - https://twitter.com/yukke_perori ・Stream Assets - https://www.uwumedia.com/ ・Logos - https://twitter.com/hiiragiryo ・Misc. Assets - https://twitter.com/MelonbreadFBP ・YT Custom CSS - https://twitter.com/dietrieee #にじさんじ #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJI_EN #FinanaRyugu #FinanaLive