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Finana Ryugu 【NIJISANJI EN】

登録者数:48.3万 直近ピーク視聴者数:510(3日前) 総視聴回数:5,283万回 チャンネル開設日:2021/04/22


Hi! I’m Finana Ryugu! A mermaid who spends my time with the tropical fish in the sea of coral reefs. I have a heart as clear and pure as the calm and beautiful sea. 【Hashtags】 ・GENERAL: #FinanaRyugu / #フィナーナ竜宮 ・LIVE: #FinanaLive ・SFW ART: #Finanart / R-18: #Ryugasm ・THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #Ryugraphics ・FAN NAME: #Ryuguards ・MEMES: #Finameme ・GROUP: #LazuLight 【Socials】 https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu https://www.reddit.com/user/Finana_Ryugu https://www.twitch.tv/finanaryugu/ 【Membership Emotes】 ・ YT Membership Emote Art - Kairui (https://twitter.com/Kairuichan) ・ YT Membership "Finana_Amogus" Emote - Melonbread (https://twitter.com/MelonbreadFBP) 【Official にじさんじ NIJISANJI Sites】 ・Website: https://www.nijisanji.jp/en ・ANYCOLOR: https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en ・Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World ・YouTube (EN): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-JSeFfovhNsEhftt1WHMvg ・Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nijisanji_en #NIJISANJI #NIJISANJIEN #NIJISANJIEnglish #NIJISANJI_EN