3300件/時True ya they almost don't THIS IS THE RUN Yeah it’s very forgiving Compared to DS1, yea Now this is Dark Sou The bosses themselve Mimic Ceci would've yeah this is the run Most of the time... so far F-freakin yeah... elden ring is the ea You can do it oh easily the best The Burger King... They rarely have run Updatilia would firs Yeah, compared to th runbacks in the othe They learned, previo yes yeah it is forgiving This boss isn't easy it has so many quali extremely friking It isn’t like that a
2659件/時She jus do a kick fl Fight mumei! 🤎 lol LOL im gonna die! *does lol Any haearts o7 F LMAO Goodbye AYO common issue That's what he said AYO mmm hole brothers RIP hæ?!?!?!?!? Gigi... Why u say it like th THE HOLE AYO RELAX AYO Happens to the best Happens to the best safety womb nyooo excuse me lol? phrasing gigi skill issue rejected is it a perk that sh Moomin Use your thumb huh Yay bullet sponge en mumei carry RoR 2 vibes are stil the hole is too smal mumei dodging so goo they have a pill for
4282件/時mumei gamer zoomin moomin! holy W Insta kill nerfed? denied GG please 😂😂😂😂 ayo GG.... lmao gigi.... mumei is mikasa but Every hole is a goal lol MOOM NOISES It happens GG speed lol LOL hole is the goal Mumei gaming lol you played like pro lol speeeeed ow plat skill level Don't die Lol lmao LOL LOL Let Her MOOM GG 🤣🤣🤣🤣 so dramatic
5798件/時oof E-END THE STREAM GUA LMAOOOOO bruh fake fan smh my can't believe ERB is FAKE FAN fake fan 🫵 shes a smurf Expose LMAOOOOOO FA KE scroller ERB CUTE caught in 4k lmaoo GUARDS, SHAME THE QU CAUGHT we say it at the end LMAO ERB FAKE FAN True lol that's quite funny l exposed pon why is hakka shrunk CAUGHT SHAME HER Never stays to the e Skippa Skippa too mu Waaaoooooow 🤣🤣🤣 that's it stream ove Yeah trueeeee Liz is brutal! yee it's 10pm rn fake fan if that was true, i well he takes a lot
2947件/時You were curious I thought you were t the lighting could b LMAO LMAO omg yeah Tee hee Me going to the frid Only the correct one The drain one your m LMAO 🤭🤭 ooooh, the /need/ a I think it only want LMAO mouse man doesn't co mickey moose isnt ou but thou must lol But they’re the only Bettel loves the mou Auto select? so michael mouse isn let's auto-select ch just auto select mouse man is just a 3 must be wrong i gu auto select only wants photos of It wants all the gho Just press auto sele
758件/時As opposed to her No mmhmm shes so good hi Feesh i always thought rob Get it because there Dinosaur??? Sypro? Ride ze shuppof CUTE Two big dinos Silly dinos. darn english gets me Space Natlan! honestly, not sure Yes Greeks canonical No they are dogs Droma Deez thats what she said u can ride them??? That's what Aventuri That what she- Let's go riding you can actually rid we don't get to see hahaha Ouch LMAO Oh yeah, he "forgot" They're herbivores. Where do you stuff y so tsuntsun there we go hi there
446件/時rip o7 ...Then choose to st there wa sa watch on you need to restart good ending now yeah you kinda just there is Play the good end the list of things f gotta play it again the other ending is not so much good end start from the begin Iori, it's a Russian yes there is, need t dont check the sus t new game 🪰👋🏻 ... we were saying i hmm You need to start th there is a different New game. 😊 new game for last en Good ending is no "K but firstly yiou nee yes Yup remember the option y