7787件/時Ok you can't parry a pr CC... Parry does no DEATH PARRY! The pride look at his arm 2 CC of blood stat I-i believe can you at LEAST put at least use the cla parry practice let's But.. Magician? VOD watchers..... Bleed build op practice is good it's gonna be a long there's uh... specia Fast forward 8 hours based great entertainer sh I mean it’s a good l just get the parry 20 minutes later dude put parry on a It’s ketchup Here we go It depends on the pa when he attack from spam + parry = sparr
272件/時nt nt Ntnt nr nt Nt nt ntnt nt nt nt skin thoo crazyyy nice Nice nice Nicee niceee nice Hi Nicee nice Niceee NICEEEE niceee Nice! naisuu nice nice noce nice nice Nice Nt nt ntnt ntnt Ntnt ntnt ntnt Nicee! nice 1:23 pst almost 1:30pm 1:30 pm niceee Nice nice niceee nicee Nt nt ntnt nt nt nt nt Nt nt! nicee NIICE Niceee!! Nicee nicee nccc and nc commsss niceee nicee nicee NICE! nice! Nice Let’s go! NICEE! NICEE woah ive never seen Nice!!
506件/時aww cute! craft a skirt fuucha Maybe it's just your maybe it just needed Thank you for playin so chuuni LOL lock in guys YES CUTE!!! It's so hard to styl 😆 more options is alwa oh yeah you can buy you have 2 million b was there a white ha never hurts to have When you buy everyth gotta have those yel gotta catch it all the scrunchy goes on yea i dont think the i got the most horre Omg that big bow PRETTY Ouuuu scrunchies are cute ooooo yaaaaaaaas ohh it works! i like the brown bra omg yea that one
390件/時Hi Kotoka! :D ぎゃこつ なんと!? Hi everybody who's c おしまいなのかぁ 音がプツプツしているのはおいらだけ?? koto hi♡♡♡ Good everyone Good morning Kotoka! 自分もしてる 、、、もしかして詰んだ!? Everything ok! 私は音、大丈夫です ウチはとくにしてないかな Well that is a great Good to know! Ganbar it is good that you' 特に問題なしです リログするとイイよ〜 してみた~ Everything works for i was wondering abou
390件/時sheeesh NIIIIICE my goat レオくんピンないわ sheesh sheeeeesh oohh minecraft!! また新バイオーム探すかw nicee Nice nicee nice! one more!! ww lmao clove www lmaoo www clove is giving unc GG ナイスGG! GG Nice gg ggs GG gg gg that was a good game gg awesome but like are we winn ついに勝利きた! ahh shit 14 hrs i think oh it's that enemy r lmao 落ち着いてww lmao ギフト送るのま?ww aww a date you're so nice hahah cleann ナイスピストル! gifted gifted