6397件/時lol baelz Nah, that's a differ no Bale is somwhere no thats someone els CURSE YOU BAYLE No that's a differen curse you baelz CURSE YOU BAELZ curse you baaaaaaaaa wrong boss xD god magic is so OP CURSE YOU BAELZ!!! Nice BAELZZZZ baelz? BAAAAYLEEE bayyyyleeee nice damage BAELZ Ogey Pat CURSE YOU BAELZ CURSE YOU BA- oh wai I think his name is YOU GIT THISSSS Curse youuuu bayleee A plan to plan all o Curse you, Bill! WITNESSED BAELZ CURSE YOU BAELZ ALready half ez. smh BAELZ Deryll I HEREBY VOW YOU WIL
4.1万件/時I eat like 1000-1200 Depends. But you wan It depends on so man have you tried inter Bless ya bless bless you Bless You bless you TSKR Bless you bless you TSKR BLESS YOU around 600-700 if yo tuah? Bless you Bless you. I don't think it mat Bless🖤 if its 2000 calories bless bless oyu It’s 650 for 1 meal Less you. I heard it depends f Most people need 200 bless you! BLESS bless you Gesundheit Bless you Bless you bless u Bless you! TSKR Bless You!~ Bless you bless you! tskr Bless you I've always heard 2k
408件/時The MOOOOOON everyone went back l they were also heali LEGENDARY Flying autoaim. at least you guys fi yeah punisher is not Justiice! Did someone say JUST FOR JUSTICE nice adam warlock Adam Warlock team up How dare he be alive Nice shutdown nice slay On fire! you aren't hitting h You played well at l Switch to explosive ggnt Damn I'd do the same on T nt GG NT nice we'll never pla Yeah your Namor wasn was probably heal fi maybe they healed on lol lol Lmao lmaooo lmaoo lol Bro what in his attempt to pl
1072件/時"im not yakuza" "ill He's truly like a dr tiger drop? i'll show you a real Guile ass mfer ah yes this battle c Let's go Finana "I don't want to be Game? maybe your download? LOL LMAO LMAO one of the guys had LOL Tag heat NICE his mind is in the g uh oh the download debuff Yep what if ffxiv blocks hi feesh almost there! Yea true the loading has crea game says no LMAO oohh what if the secret o IT'S TIME the secret 👀 here we go omg It's Nishiki's rave grave* ? secret 👀 da secret👀 it's anot