【24/7 KARAOKE VOD RELAY】non-stop Minto karaoke until I'm back from vacay! 【Maid Mint Fantome】
配信チャンネル:Maid Mint Ch. ミント・ファントーム
配信日時:ライブ中2025年01月03日(金) 09:02:10~(2日前開始), 2日20時間経過
75件/時🤧🌟 just a little longer Short cut hero Down with Webster wh Oh yeah the song tha HI MINT! your amazing YAYY!!! 👏👏👏👏 Video ended the radi 👏 Get away from the br Bag riders shooting Just realized that m twitch chat is movin Yea, I could never 💀 My illiterate a s s @El3ct u got a fav s Yea, Freefall Fly high But I have a ton of @el3ct I gave u a un oh is it the redeem yeah, this was a swe I've seen a clip of I love this 🌸 🙌 👏👏👏 Sabaton last stand Elfen lied lilium
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