* Watch The Broken Promise Here! === https://www.youtube.com/live/Oi0WDyT6xTE?si=NYcGHRNspAl1IYip ===
* #TheBrokenPromise
* About: hololive English -Promise- 1st Anniversary Musical. For eons, light and dark have fought ceaselessly for dominion over the world.
Whispers echo of a Dark Lord whose insidious grip on the realm is marked by insatiable lust, twisted jealousy, ravenous greed, unrelenting vanity, and possessive manipulation.
A group of adventurers rose to face this threat with hidden wishes of secrets and shadows untold.
❣ Hashtags ❣
♡ General: #BFKingdom
♡ Live: #BloodflameLive
♡ Art: #BloodflameArt
❣ Stream Credits ❣
Stream/Thumbnail Art: Pawchie ( https://x.com/paw_chie ) [ Thank you! ]
Opera Glasses/Cozy Rabbit drink & Bobby Plushie Asset: 野君 ( @badger_yekun ) [ Thank youuuuu! Oh~hohoho! ]
▶Request from hololive production to underage viewers
Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video
[Fan Work Guidelines]
[Holoschedule] (Check all members streaming schedules)
[Hololive Production]
・Hololive English YouTube Channel: https://t.co/LcYDgFF9V0?amp=1
・Hololive Production Official Twitter: https://x.com/hololivetv
・Hololive English Official Twitter: https://x.com/hololive_En
・Hololive English Official Reddit: / hololive
Karaoke Source:
#hololiveEnglish #holoJustice