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【PagiMoona】Selamat Pagi!!!【Moona Hoshinova】

配信チャンネル:Moona Hoshinova hololive-ID


配信日時:終了2025年01月06日(月) 11:00:56~2025年01月06日(月) 14:06:44(1日前終了), 3時間5分48秒

視聴者数:最大2,382(ピーク:2025年01月06日(月) 12:03)

チャット速度:最大4207件/時(ピーク:2025年01月06日(月) 14:07)

4207件/時otsuu OtsuMoon~ Arigatou Moona otsumoon LETS GOO otsumoona~ dont be rush moon, c otsumoon ばいばーい! LETS GOOO otsu Otsu telatt Otsuu otsuuuu moonaa have a nice day otsuu otsumun~ otsumoona otsuuu otsuuumoonaa~~~ otsumoooona OtsuMoon thank you my beloved OtsuMoon~~ otsumoon too bye bye otsuu bye Bye byeee Moon Thank you announcer otsuMoon~ Otsumoon^_^ otsu

#geemoon #holoID #MoonA_Live #Moona_Hoshinova #hololive #GeeMoon #MoonaBoona #MoonUtau #HoshinovArt #GrassMoona #Moonafic


Streamlabs donation link here : https://streamlabs.com/moonahoshinovahololive-id/tip SociaBuzz donation link here : https://sociabuzz.com/moonahoshinova/tribe =================================================== Like my voice? then come to here as well! Moona Original Song : https://youtu.be/q4N7EhUWOAA Music Playlist: https://bit.ly/3lWPo3q =================================================== #geemoon #holoID #MoonA_Live #Moona_Hoshinova #hololive Please follow the rules!!! 【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming saat menunggu dan sedang berlangsung: ☆Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan ☆Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topik pada kolom komentar ☆Dimohon tidak melakukan spam emoji/emoticon ☆Dimohon untuk tidak mengumpat, mencela, atau berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar ☆Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di waiting room ☆Dimohon untuk tidak memberi komentar tentang Vtuber lain di waiting room / saat livestream apabila tidak dimulai lebih dulu oleh Vtuber yang sedang streaming karena bersifat kurang sopan 【EN】Notice during the waiting time and the stream : ☆Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words ☆Please don’t have an OOT discussion in the comment ☆Please don’t do emoji spam ☆Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language ☆Please do not do any discussion in the waiting room ☆Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtuber during the livestream if the topic isn't started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite Enjoy the stream and let's be friend ♡ =================================================== 【Moona Hoshinova】 ☆Twitter☆ https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova ☆Facebook Pages☆ https://www.facebook.com/Moona-Hoshinova-hololive-ID-103251478005455/ ☆Instagram☆ https://www.instagram.com/moonahoshinova/ 【Hashtag】 ☆Live : #MoonA_Live ☆Live Game : #GeeMoon ☆Live Mystery : #MoonaBoona ☆Live Karaoke : #MoonUtau ☆FanArt : #HoshinovArt ☆Meme : #GrassMoona ☆Fan Name: #Moonafic = Credits ☆BGM Stream☆ https://elements.envato.com/pirates-X53S6HV ☆Screen☆ Opening : https://youtu.be/mDMa2HtP508 Overlay : https://twitter.com/hiiragiryo Default Background : https://twitter.com/izushizuka Default Waiting :https://twitter.com/adamngif Stinger : https://twitter.com/Furai_sen Assets : https://twitter.com/7MDigital / OKUMONO https://x.com/sinngotti/status/1869694119800603074 ☆Official cover website http://cover-corp.com/ ☆Official Twitter hololive Indonesia https://twitter.com/hololive_Id ☆Official Facebook hololive Indonesia https://www.facebook.com/Hololive-Indonesia-108806367277672/ =================================================== Request from Hololive Productions to underage viewers Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video https://hololivepro.com/en/request-to-minors/ Permintaan dari Hololive Productions kepada penonton di bawah umur Dimohon untuk mencari [Request to Minors] atau klik tautan di bawah untuk membaca dan menonton videonya https://hololivepro.com/id/request-to-minors/ ===================================================