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[Week in Review] HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME! #gavisbettel #holotempus

配信チャンネル:Gavis Bettel Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN


配信日時:終了2025年01月08日(水) 07:02:23~2025年01月08日(水) 08:34:00(19時間前終了), 1時間31分37秒

視聴者数:最大1,547(ピーク:2025年01月08日(水) 08:23)

チャット速度:最大1.1万件/時(ピーク:2025年01月08日(水) 08:01)

4286件/時so good no the Ms are seagul sooo cool Have you thought of It gave the original pop off pie!! right???? the colours reflecti The parasol :D the reflected light GORJUS Monet!!!! beautiful! the little purple fl What lmao i guess artists are phenomen I get how you feel mhm LETSGO MEHO What are you talking The paintings??? magic and practice

#gavisbettel #holotempus


TWO YEARS OF GAVIS BETTEL!!!!!!! Art by: @sa_kri_ ------------------------ 🎩Gavis Bettel / ガビス・ベッテル🎩 YouTube: https://t.co/3NiPuz9Kh9 Twitter: https://twitter.com/gavisbettel maybe the thumbnail shouldve been more celebratory... NAAAAAH! ----------------------------------- ※Request from Hololive Productions to underage viewers Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video https://hololivepro.com/en/request-to-minors/