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[OMORI] early stream to fix my sleep schedule! good morning hehe

配信チャンネル:Cecilia Immergreen Ch. hololive-EN


配信日時:終了2024年12月22日(日) 20:02:27~2024年12月23日(月) 00:04:50(2時間前終了), 4時間2分23秒

視聴者数:最大5,976(ピーク:2024年12月22日(日) 20:42)

チャット速度:最大3万件/時(ピーク:2024年12月22日(日) 20:07)

2万件/時LMAO why are you bullying 💪 go ceci PLUTO MY BELOVED oh boy LOL Boss fight BANGER ALERT LETS GOOO whoah pluto looks ja FINAL BOSS HERE WE GO RIP Cece PLUTO WOAH 💪💪 Time to see if you'r 💪💪 PLUTO PLUTO what is that pebble oh she doesnt got th why are we fighting HE'S HERE that's NOT a dog at least it's not UR 💪🌚💪 end this fake planet 💪💪💪 BUFF BANGER LETSGOOOOOO MOON 💪💪💪 Pluto knows that Plu Not even a real plan 💪💪💪 a battle for the age oraoraoraoraoraora

#ImmerScreen #Immergination #ImmerPiece #ImmerMemes


【Christmas Voice Pack】 EN: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_christmasvoice2024 【Acrylic Stands】 ▼Official Online Shop▼ EN:https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_regularoutfit_acrylicstand ▼Geek Jack▼ EN:https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hololive-en-justice 【Starting Voice】 EN: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/startingvoice_ceciliaimmergreen -------------------------- -------------------------- Hashtags 📺 Livestream: #ImmerScreen 🎨 Fanart: #Immergination 🎻 Music: #ImmerPiece 🤡 Memes: #ImmerMemes -------------------------- -------------------------- Chat rules ▶Please be respectful towards everyone. Mods reserve the right to use their judgement when it comes to bans. ▶Don’t mention other streamers unless on topic, and please avoid mentioning me in other streams unless on topic. ▶Avoid any discussions or topics related politics, religion or anything controversial. ▶ABSOLUTELY NO ANIME OR GAME SPOILERS. Violating this will result in instant bans. ▶No backseating unless I ask for help. ▶Please respect my privacy. -------------------------- -------------------------- ▶Request from hololive production to underage viewers Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video https://hololivepro.com/en/request-to-minors/ -------------------------- -------------------------- This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with OMOCAT, LLC.