[ Kingdom Hearts II #10 ] LAST PUSH??? [ Phase-Connect ]
配信チャンネル:Tenma Ch. マエミ 天満 【Phase Connect】
配信日時:終了2025年01月12日(日) 18:28:14~2025年01月13日(月) 06:12:18(2日前終了), 11時間44分4秒
視聴者数:最大1,526(ピーク:2025年01月13日(月) 04:02)
チャット速度:最大3608件/時(ピーク:2025年01月12日(日) 22:37)
1250件/時F VOD o7 VOD YOU CAN KILL HIM BEF wisdom almost requir That was much closer YOU GOT THIS YOU HAVE TO WISDOM you were soooo close VOD leangth warning the action command w LMFAO Pro tip: if you are ok, that is another wisdom for 99 Does Final Form help lol It is possible. you wisdom the 99 one you think you'll bea tenma likes to play YOU GOT THIS TENMA you need wisdom for but can the VOD win Dangor Dangor Dance water dance! Is this the last one Will you remember th i knoew she wasn't g Could you use... One
#10 #PhaseConnect #tenmamaemi #ENVtuber #kingdomhearts2