【STEAM WINTER SALE】sliding in before the final buzzer! let's spend money!? #calliolive
配信チャンネル:Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
配信日時:終了2024年12月31日(火) 12:02:05~2024年12月31日(火) 15:38:56(2日前終了), 3時間36分51秒
視聴者数:最大9,112(ピーク:2024年12月31日(火) 15:00)
チャット速度:最大1.7万件/時(ピーク:2024年12月31日(火) 13:19)
2933件/時nice You're gonna love Ti marathon for Armored Youtube has been bug Nice Oh, also: Faith - Th BIG UPs THE BEEPS LMAO LMAO Noita is a great gam LMAO lol You’re gonna love Ti LMAO ROFL LOL that pretty much Yeah that's Noita lm LMFAO Lots of Emotion Yup! That’s the game Average Noita experi Yeah... Sounds famil LOL Alchemical Perfectio Mach F*** Sounds about right lol Mori did you ever se what is this, breaki pretty much Yes and you'll love lool lol Chaos, we embrace And Pain yep noita to a T