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配信チャンネル:Gavis Bettel Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN


配信日時:終了2025年01月04日(土) 07:00:30~2025年01月04日(土) 11:45:12(1日前終了), 4時間44分42秒

視聴者数:最大1,973(ピーク:2025年01月04日(土) 07:54)

チャット速度:最大1万件/時(ピーク:2025年01月04日(土) 09:13)

1198件/時gerbil 🐹🐹🐹 me when i eat pop ro delulu ending lol cyberpsycho sauce photo mode and look oh the chernobyl rad when is it my turn the gerbilt has one the gerbilt is have okay i thougjt its m having* i just realized you hand holding The Gerbil has becom gulp just joined did gerb gulp Gulp gulp Gulp yes loudbird Exactly mmhmm Tums are actually go tums my beloved ty!! #notsponsored Tums are really mira @loudbird yea, doing whats tums is it lik Very much so no tums here So delicious thank god for advil


Enjoying the show? Be sure to subscribe and click the bell to be notified on future productions! Don't forget to like and leave a comment on how funny and handsome I am, no pressure. sorry couldnt think of a title Art by: @hioko_chi This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with IndieArk. ーーーーーーーー ------------------------ 🎩Gavis Bettel / ガビス・ベッテル🎩 YouTube: https://t.co/3NiPuz9Kh9 Twitter: https://twitter.com/gavisbettel idk what this is ----------------------------------- ※Request from Hololive Productions to underage viewers Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video https://hololivepro.com/en/request-to-minors/