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【 Sunday edition 】 D1GP2024 Round4 TSUKUBA [ 2024 TSUKUBA DRIFT ]

キライ スキ


TSUKUBA DRIFT will be held at Tsukuba Circuit in Ibaraki Prefecture on Saturday, June 29th and Sunday, June 30th. Saito Daigo, who came second in the first and second races, is leading the drivers' rankings with 42 points, Hibino Tetsuya is in second place, just one point behind with 41 points, and Nakamura Naoki is in third place with 35 points, seven points behind the leader. Meanwhile, in the solo series rankings, Matsuyama Hokuto, who has been using the GR Corolla since this season, is in first place with 30 points. Nakamura Naoki is in second place with 27 points, and Yokoi Masashi is in third place with 26 points. Looking at the rankings alone, veterans dominate the top spots, but this season, young drivers led by Millennial 5 drivers Sobagiri Kodai, Tano Yuki, Yamanaka Mao, and Nomura Keiichi are showing signs of strength and the battle with the veterans is intensifying, so this will no doubt be a highlight of the Tsukuba race. V-OPT will be broadcasting the opening round on Saturday and the second round on Sunday for free. 【D1最新情報はコチラから】 https://d1gp.co.jp/ 面白かったらTWEETしてね! If you like this video,tweet it to everyone! #V-OPT ※動画内の情報は当時のものです。 火曜・金曜:新作公開 Tue,Fri : New movie 公式Twitter https://twitter.com/VIDEO_OPTION_ch 公式Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VideoOption/ 公式Instagram https://www.instagram.com/video_option/ 公式TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/BVwdCX/ WEB OPTION https://motor-fan.jp/weboption/ ※著作権上の都合により、音声が無い・小さい場合があります。予めご了承ください。 世界最高峰ドリフト!!「D1グランプリ公式サイト」はコチラ D1 Grand Prix Series Official Web Site http://www.d1gp.co.jp ・動画の無断転載・ダウンロード・二次加工を禁止します ・乗用車による公道での高速・危険走行は生命に危害を及ぼすと共に、法律で罰せられます。絶対に真似しないで下さい。