Vantacrow Bringer Will stream at this time【STREAM】
配信チャンネル:Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】
配信日時:終了2025年02月04日(火) 13:00:24~2025年02月04日(火) 13:50:27(3日前終了), 50分3秒
視聴者数:最大859(ピーク:2025年02月04日(火) 13:48)
チャット速度:最大4139件/時(ピーク:2025年02月04日(火) 13:07)
3341件/時crowshi we're fine w it's ok okay.. it's nice hearing yo we like em It’s okayy its ok it’s fine we just want to hear nothing in particula oof take care vanta oh like as an altern we just oshi u and a do you have any plan WHY NOT its fun A what now? We’re fine with a Tw What joyous news.. I For the voice We just want to hear we miss u!!! well we WANT you to I meannn if it works missing them podcast Bc they’re so funny Gods forbid we like streaming alternativ So we can still hear I mean why not
#VantacrowBringer #VantaHours #Vantalism #Vantasize #Vantacrew #Vantalarious #Thumbringer #Vantarsenal #Vantaflix #Vanfiction #NIJIKrisis