(English below)
配信予定日時:3月14日(金)12時 ~ 15日(土)21時頃まで💡
✨️Mar. 11th, 1995 is the release date of CHRONO TRIGGER✨️
We will be offering live streaming of music from CHRONO TRIGGER soundtracks🎂
It is scheduled from Mar. 13th 19:00 to 15th around 4:00 PST on the SEM channel💡
*In case of streaming interruptions due to errors, restoration may take some time.
*Depending on circumstances, the stream may end earlier than scheduled.
*This distribution is not scheduled to be archived.
For more details, join here: https://discord.com/invite/sqexmusic
#CHRONOTRIGGER #クロノトリガー #クロノ #squareenix #発売記念 #みんなでクロノトリガーの音楽を聴こう! #光田康典 #作業用BGM #ゲーム音楽 #ゲームミュージック #スクウェアエニックス #スクエニ #squareenix