4万件/時LMAO!! Lol lol lol lol dang tskr Lmaoo LMAOOOOO LMAOOOOOOOOO stalling LMAO hahahahah Lmao LMAO LMFAOOOO lol lmao LMAO Pffffff lmaooo lol Ahahahahahhahahaha, rofl LMAO Bruh Lmao valid crashiut Rager oh wow 12 hour stream incom hard stalling 😆 lolol lol Thanks for that Gigi LMAO DAMN THAT ECHOED IN Its true real GG play the game ple stalling You tell them Subarashii lol unlearn? LMAOOOOOO GIGI lmao lol SWITCH OFF LUNA SNOW stalling so true LOL Stalling like crazy Let her play smh
4112件/時thats the good stuff tasty tasty carbs And then yakisoba br LOL that's true, but Oh no I'm late again when youre as big as thats the best part that’s what’s good Isn't that all pasta Hmm CARBS Literally but still true Carbonloading like a Yakisoba can get too mmm yummy carbs delicious carbs Yes it is Carbs in bread, its mmmm mountain of car are you a light eate amazing gameplay ramen is a bit heavy whatever is tasty i At least with ramen yakisoba and beef is That is all noodles are you going to con
2629件/時Calvinball! beware: YouTube user BEACHSTICKBALL no LOL Alolan Stick Ball nice name BEACHSTICKBALL all o BEACHSTICKBALL Local ghost maid des oooOOOooooo oooOoooOoOoOoOOOoooo he cooked lmao She’s calling for yo The LAW Prerecorded 😔 oooOOOooo Oh yes we can I fought the law and omg its basically qu You have to say it i you CAN fight the la You can but they’ll "You can't fight the I fought the law and it's all up to her I needed money but I Believe! cute julie voice btw there is VR MGS rules unclear, i bec
1483件/時nice chips HOOO BOYY how we fee i'll wait a month af hey, i don't know wh And a few non Ruzebo thank for the chips Thank you for the ch opens wallet and a c True Rozee Man… I really like t the sun is almost ri LMAO ROZEE There's a VP when Ru Mood rozee Aww, rozee… @susu omg wueirhgwer imma buy that member lol Rozee Get some rest soon o i have to be on the morning, guys As a student i feel Ruze’s writing, VA w i got a whole day to IM HERE FOR CHAPPELL Good morns Para! Hey ParaDawn technically 2 for Az