250件/時操縦ミスではないかな ZOROさん、またね また会えるといいね ジェットエンジンの翼前縁を刃物にして鳥を ソラさん、おつかれさま 何百羽、鳥の群れに、突入したらやばいだろ 이 사고는 민주당 책임입니다 飛行機よりやっぱり新幹線ですね 押部谷love なにかをカバーみたいにつ haha 콘크리트 둔덕을 만든것은 민주당 책임 ブラックボックス壊しきれなかった? Kamsamghamidah~~
2593件/時Netiher; Russian Russian it does kinda feel l Russian Russian game Its Russian Its Russian I've heard it's russ russian game I think it’s Russian oh it's russian made by 2 russians Russian devs made by 2 russians w Russian It's Russian game Russians Russian lol LMAO 2 Russian guys made ba dum tiss i had a feeling it w Two Russian guys mad its by 2 Russians an It’s Russian… techni good god Devs are Russian It's a Russian game Clara looks at the a noo Clara ahh good old Russia Huh that's not a dat
678件/時Good luck you two. Sometimes the other guesses say it was t phew, shake it off Healer difference. not the gabberflast 32k is nuts Gabberflasted gabberflasted skill diff nanomachines son like it was just a c Gabberflasted they really did, it The cloak and dagger LMAOO Great ult btw yeah that was nutty it outheals everythi That's CRAZY Yall need a magentoe gabberflasted i thought the hands mk's ult is weak yea Man was gabberflaste Loki ❤️ lol BAITED Cloak and Dagger Ult True Pookie! Yeah Super Jump
356件/時強い(物理) fr we fine with it the story good is en この配信、告知されてるのかな? おいw The amination in ope alright let's go it's fine 坂本さん ヒロイン説!?w kobeni san~ ラスボスww aoi is cute コベニちゃん I'm gonna watch it a All the designs look マジで楽しみだなぁ〜 かわいい awee hana😭😭 The designs are real かわいいいい for me also looks go a manga like sakamat Sugita san is cute 商魂たくましい美少女 子どもの声だ