1.4万件/時let's goo calli leag I heard it League Legend? seems LET'S GOOOO not league! good try GG, good tr Mimic?! LEAGUE Hi, Calli! Hi, Gigi! Kori love teeming GUH! yeah I heard it leagueolegens? I can't believe Call can confirm calli sa Grem Reaper Umm league of legend CALLI SAID SHE’S PLA No league 😔 lmao calli is at the LOL letsssss go No.... Wrong stream ROCKET LEAGUE not the mimic hey Calli, show Gigi 👽 MINA SAN LEAGUE OF L LMAOOOOOO LMAO hi calli and gigi I HEARD IT LOL Wooo league! LOL Hi, girls. 👋👋
1.6万件/時Forever~ I used to take my da Suuuure Borrowing forever Borrowing for an ext Loot gremlin Pretty! It looks like a diam That’s very pretty THIEF! Pretty rock Permanent borrowing! It looks like one of Right Right PRETTYYYY real! Woah why are you upside d Chaos control! We love borrowing!~ Woah It looks really nice lol shiny chaos emerald Oooohhhh biboo! i love those fake ge it's real to me! Oooooh, pretty. it's real in my hear That's beautiful~ upside down why Shiny Ooh shiny! I love stone too It’s really shiny oo
7763件/時here we go "is this the end?" n HORSE minto maybe it's bes BOSS TIME HONSE Chariot Brotha HORSE TIME BABY YEAAA THE HORSE 🏇 HONSE horse horse Heh horse feel the heat BEWARE THE CHARIOT HORSE POWER dad joke Honse JUAN Dante plz you have alerted the Time Steed! horsepower HONSE how hungry? bad horse Call me Sloth hey deze nuts Dude...let's kill th わんわんお The end is neigh HORSE honse How hungry? Gay horse gay horse Honse I want you to get th chicken wang honse DS2 boss don't horse around D
6233件/時SAME that was gorgeous du LOL REAL so emotional rn,,,, i oh my god OMG (shaking your should SAME Creep was always my LMAO That was like an unp no? no YES idk! huh? the what No YES YESS The improvement is c what yes! Yes YES real no??>? is it horror lmao No? THERES A NEW ONE that sounds familiar LMAO? Yeah no Yes!! no No? yeah.. LOL No Yep it was traumatiz its so good! YES BRO??? yes lmao hmmmm YEAHHH yes ... can't say I have sounds familiar CREEP RULES no Oh I've heard of it! im a creeeep no? LMAO