1521件/時restart wkwkk broo GSH stuck~ bro doesnt wanna pizza stuck why so hard bro rusak game nya She’s stuck if back to menu rese Bug wkkwkw it's the game tellin nyoo my pizza Is there a reset fro Pizza doko? ela stuck? jadi bug tester bro just chilling th bro really like that 2 jam ga ngapa"in ka lol ?? sooooooo haiya need help Ela stuck kah?? wkwkwk turu dulu bug tester sebelum k wkwkwk meeting 🤔 looks like a bug chuchu restart? she stuck stuck nice weather in it NT a secret ending Nyangkut bang
68件/時Japanese WW level is これはヒット確認の練習中? Daigo should vlog mo ガードに波動キャンセル、ヒットにキャンセ Umehara did well yes twitchのタイトル防衛軍なのか。日課 いや、更新したら変わるはずって言ってまし He would definitely he always loses thom yeah i feel like gui 情報ありがとう!そのままSF6も嬉しい ヒット確認の練習? Must be very stressf はや! はや 11FでSAってかなり早くね ありがとうございます!
3203件/時YES Moomo is purple peng he loves valen shinri was having a FJKDLAWF i need to hop back o LMAO oh so many QOL improvem woo! this intro sounds as vtubrMAXX yes LMAO it's like a switch f moonafik is also a p do a full jp zatsu n that's HAYDEN JP Hakka LOL pjsk ass music LMAO valen is the baddy a thats hayden, valen monke ???? is she? lol is she? The characters are a astrokitto nah.. just hag love i dont think she's e jp zatsu when huh... ..... shes a lesbian to me does the lesbians al .. a little