61件/時μ's こんぴな μ'sすきです あやかきが歌ってたやつ? スノハレ大好きです ❄❄❄ todokete こんぴな こんぴな〜! ギリシャ神殿ぽい Konnichiwa, kawaii S I very very very gla You cute voice warm いろいろためしてみましょ〜 そういう時間も楽しい 何かを作る時ってそういう事あるあるだわ 夜に作業して次の日起きて見たらなんか違う 夜だとランタンあるときれいだね Dont worry😊 I believe in you.)
3.1万件/時YOU WISH! gotta let your isp k You have to swap add you gotta contact yo You can use the old need a new plan uhhhhhhh the ISP gotta notify your IS you call them no U get a new isp Yeah no you have to set i No… You're gonna have to Call your provider u have to return it depends on how far y it isnt and it depen think you have to ma yeah dude you need to do all t You have to pay for you contact ISP to m declare to the compa you return it to you yes it can be plug a YES depends on your ISP nah, gotta call the
1311件/時Yes you did shiruki 🥖🎼💙🥖 🫃🏾🫃🏾🫃🏾🫃🏾🫃🏾🫃🏾🫃🏾 🤰🤰🤰 😯 woa Ma'am got it t 🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄 Nerissa catches Mama 🫄🫄🫄 🤰🤰🤰 🫃🏾🫃🏾🫃🏾🫃🏾🫃🏾🖤🫃🏾 this is great. right 🫃🫃🫃 🤰🤰🤰 🫃🫄🤰 🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄 🫄🫄🫄🫄🫄 🫃🫃🫃 great im pregnant ag You can 100% hear wh 🤰🤰🤰 🫄🫄🫄🫄 good 🤰🤰🤰 again with these mal 🤰🤰🤰 Aradia sounds closer
739件/時how is it our fault? OH YUPP missed the duo fr the long waited duo We ball we got a cypher map we ball! let's goooo IKZZZ we ball the duo is back Haha Either we get crazy yellow new outfit valo wooo IKZZZ what u eatin dawg WE'RE SO BACK the cypher king that sounds so good valo stream wahoo ganba Yippiesss goodluck valo duo!! good luck boys yuh godspeed my best duo fr Glhf Godspeed The business good luck nt ah ntnt ntnt nt nt ntnt nt so close nt nt gmm everyone Okie, good night. Ha nt huh nice shot