1144件/時chagの麺まだフワフワしてるから勝てな it's over 麺パルテナってなんかいい手札よな パルテナより麺の方がいける Dude chag would be t Lv.1 is SOOOOO good 日本人のメンメンヘイトの高さが存分に発揮 えええええ レベワンちゃん行けるでぇ 歯茎か? ほんとに? レベワンえぐいな? Bro he just had to s We could’ve gotten p Crazy how Yoshidora まだ歯茎だめ! 何で弾幕キャラなのに距離詰めるのこんな上
6604件/時LOL be a good girl and s swallow the voice She gave her coffees got roofied hahahhahahaha Hime White Human caviar P. DIDDY Schizo meds Kick his ass! only the best anti-p Aware HIME WHAT DID YOU DO lol Hime.... hime... RED OR BLUE PILL Love potion LMAO Thats pretty go Rie Diddy! roofied Rie be drugging girl lil haloperidol we've all been there love potion 521 thats whay she said Hime.... wild YOURE KILLING HER lol love potion 520 HIME WHAT DID YOU DO Brilliant transition cosby'd love potion 420 Pill Cosby
1024件/時random bullshit go I like his voice Nah, you just win th sick megalobox ref lol He's malding. huh why is bro mad lmao lel madge lel wow that dude is mad Whats that bro mad a lel lol sadge The CLASSIC lel never change ruze nv Why does ruze always salt that guy pffft hes a menace so ever in this economy??? they did surgery on Surgery is how Rocke funny because thats THE MOON HAUNTS YOU o7 where is the rest of we got one I mean, you're doing I guess you could sa spidermans run cycle idk why have you gotten the
1343件/時oh he ain’t done Uhhhh Lmaoo THE SOUNDS OH whose card are we on Zayne gonna be askin here we go peak writ 0////0 Bro all these LMAO I AM NOT OKAY I FEEL LIKE AN INTRU lol 😆 what GIRL boom shakalaka WTH UKI LMAOOO just stamina WERE INTERRUPTIING F now its fun dad joke awww the VA's must have g aww woah what!🫣 awwww LMAO I LOVE U TOO ZAYNE cherish my love Zayn Awww so sweet ueee I keep gulping hard cute🥺 WOOO aww omg Aw the bird chirping 6%! lol cute this is cute tho uee awkward morning
3057件/時You should try Kotok otsu wiwa dont forge somen is like my lea thank you for the st I have some chili an soumen yummy thanks for the yap ty for stream oh oh, are you a shi thank you for the st thanks for the strea Wait Elira what did Thank you for the st 🩵🩵🩵 so see you for leagu yippeee take your time Promise? fr f this t Welcome back wiwa!! Sounds good Good luck with work. Happy new year. thank you for all yo You haven't had a sc thank you for stream Yabai... why do you read his Take care and Happy