4180件/時久しぶりに見たなこの景色…… 大丈夫よ!集中! うわーーー! リカバリオナ! まだ舞える 一旦落ち着くか いかんあぶないあぶない here we go again あああああああああー!? 落ち着こう、冷静に おかえり すぅぅぅぅぅぅ........... Progress! In the oth よしよし keep calm ただいま連合! 綺麗な高音w 懐かしの光景 おかえりおな ないすーー! っぶねーーーーー ただいま連合 あぶないあぶない
1.1万件/時lo traduciria pero a ASA yoru and asa! SU PERSONAJES FAVORI Qualquer Perfil de a MAPPA CHANNEL CSM MO Study JapaneseLoser グルグル目すきそうw 英語得意な人翻訳してあげて!! Asa my queen わかる ASA ASA NATION 神 happy birthday to yo Fujimoto's favorite ASA AND YORU これ2の主人公で大丈夫なんかなあw ASA ASS ASA MY BELOVED ASA アサちゃん好き ASADEN ASA NATION ASA ASA? asa HUH? 藤本タツキも空飛べるじゃん ASA NATION peru es clave 2部のキャラ
1.6万件/時👏👏👏👏👏 Hey Santa much Ya boi, Santa im thoroughly rizzed Santa dude 👏 👏 👏 👏 you made that song f Remember she is usin stream is skipping a Greetings Santa 👏👏👏👏👏 true 👏👏👏👏👏 Santa looking fu- 👏👏👏 👏👏👏👏👏 🤎🤎🤎 🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎 How about Oh Christm Santa the goat 👏👏👏👏👏 👏👏👏👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 👏👏👏👏 Hey Santa friend santa lookin ah I'm not your santa p 🤯
2.2万件/時youuuuuuu this is beautifully YOOOOUUUUUU first time I listen YOUUUUUU YOUUUUUUUUU ALL I WANT FOR CHRIS All I want for Chris やっぱこれだね WoooH 🧊🧊🧊 YOUUUUUUUUU Wonderful harmonies! bau bau All rise for the Chr Aww Yeah! AND IIIIIII all yours m...m....me?? All i want for xmas All I want for Chris SHE BACK And IIIIIIIIII AND IIIII yeah! YAAAAAA noooo mariah carey s me all I want for Chris ALL I WANT FOR CHRIS
8343件/時jump m o r t i s o7 died lolol jump WELP LMAO Metroid escape seque you dove into the sa LMAOOOOOOOOOO is this the new boul D'OH deadge RIP Called it. Game OVER NOOOOO MINKI!!! return the slaabb Rip in pepperonis F Holy that was quick! that sand looked gre F Not alot of time f What welp... spam jump look up sand curse real Welp f You need to keep jum Keep jumping CURSE OF RA REAL jump jump jump ! Look up Climb Already??? Curse of Ra Climb JUMP UP WOW THAT WAS SO FAST THEN WHY DID YOU BRA Climb Mint! Climb!
413件/時Thanks for the trans ya yesterday Akiramutsuki thank y ❤️ vamonos a la roja po Whan r they shaowing there wasn't much co 13時まで何も無い感じ? mostly Morita San go Demon Slayer stage h que demon slayer fue ah OMGG Next stage for this ギャグ漫画日和あるやろ Thank You Akiramitsu ty ig こっちじゃない? Chainsaw Man stage i was there any news a wow u guys actually I feel important chainsaw en la roja Ofc yay yeah it's on red now Of course 😄 nothing about chains