266件/時おかえり おかえりー チョッコレイト おかえり〜 いいねぇ キットカット美味いよなー きっと勝つってね おかえり イントネーションえぐい ポチ nice new perfume 事件だ 草 びっくりした w w なんだこんどはww もちつけー ! ? マッキー? マジック?w abunai Ars !? w w 水モノじゃなくてよかった 暴れたか きっと勝つね yummy yummy 危なw w w w w w あぶな〜い oishii ご無事でよかった わあ
352件/時approval is decreasi yeah but import need moon in debt uh oh - money crown trade done aga it can still be a ni udah abis duitnya let's see how much f you need build landi Hey Moona so people can come you already bought t good enough sorry, forgot for a increase budget wher increase wages? naikin gajinya mun make rent cheaper amnesti pajak export semua locanya increasing budget na wkwkwk WHAT??? Xixixixi veri import - ant if someone is way ab ahahhaha nice All those who cannot otsuu dulu moon high wages, and high
3015件/時This is just getting NOOOO NOOOO noooooooooo NOOOOOOO lol nooo bacon NOOOOOO NOOOOOOO LOL 🥓 life is not bacon no bacon tonight NEIN NEIN NEIN steam ends when we g suffering nooooooo noooooooo jam but no bacon nooooo Bacon not found IT'S SO OVER BACON L Is bacon is morning try bacon in the mor Is it a low affectio Bacon not jam! NOOOOOOOOOOOO no bacon for reine no more shaken bacon 🫵🤣 no bacon in the club no shake n bake... no bacon for you THIS IS NOT BACON I'm shakin cause no HOW CAN SHE DENY US
581件/時kind Regards From Br do you think the sal awesome idea 💡 but w ? hello from India 10:30am pacific time when start In 6 min idk why when a new c 楽しみ Saloonの後方視界とか大丈夫なのか気 始まるかな? NO WAY HONDA ALREADY ワクワクしますな Oh Yea!!! thanks random man so excited lol يا الهي انها حقا احت hi from germany hello earl this thing isn't gon AFEELA 1 TYPE R 出るかな get psyched boyz probably not I was looking forwar 👍 開演5分前となりました。会場の皆様はご着