1295件/時I miss Baldur's Gate Zomboid... is catching up with Any chance of more b LFG TEKKEN Does Minecraft count You did beat Minecra TEKKENNNNN what do you mean by yeah no multiplayer Who would you main i Technically you did ooh nice Tekken time @CrazyGreen I forgot Have you played Homi are you gonna pick h that minecraft strea 🩵🩵🩵 aw meow meow yeah .. I still remember Mai oh god oh... okay that's terrifyi jesus wait is meow meow ok HUH oh.. oh god yeah that is scary its scary when they you don't have to if
7045件/時she's breaking up mhm Yeah... WHAT DID SHE CALL US c-slur on stream Isp-kun FRFR Sayu going full cybo LOL did she call us crac crispier and crisper lol robot voice so immer ' Robit RESTART HER robo sayu lol what? Robot Sayu so true LOL uh huh Sayu steadily becomi so true Sometimes you just n an authentic xbox mi shes going android So true bestie canon sayu Digitizing so true gurl thank you sayu very lmao Is she geeked or loc 🤖🤖🤖 lmaoo RESTART HER !! Lol She’s malfunctioning restart it
4913件/時ooohhhhh WHAT so suddenly mah STRAIGHT TO ITTTT KYAAAAAA ayo zayne WHAT AAAAA hot diggity damn Yeeeeeeah thats my h Oop OMG Yoooooo AUDIO MAMA AUDIO LMA ALRIGHT. woah.. ayooo kyaaa woah here we go again rou YOU'RE RIGHT THIS IS ayyoo Ayooo THOSE ARE NOISES I- I TOLD YOU!!! HE SNA om mama, you're gonna l give the vas a raise He’s a clingy baby 😂 I MISSED IT WTF HAPP dass so intense HELP ME the good doctor goes it's all for health I’m dying Dr zayne is this cov
1144件/時chagの麺まだフワフワしてるから勝てな it's over 麺パルテナってなんかいい手札よな パルテナより麺の方がいける Dude chag would be t Lv.1 is SOOOOO good 日本人のメンメンヘイトの高さが存分に発揮 えええええ レベワンちゃん行けるでぇ 歯茎か? ほんとに? レベワンえぐいな? Bro he just had to s We could’ve gotten p Crazy how Yoshidora まだ歯茎だめ! 何で弾幕キャラなのに距離詰めるのこんな上
2174件/時lmfao bye gb LOL oh bye gb lol Bye bye Goldie! i heard hate Jarvis Clip that uuuh sneaky DANG bye gb lmao byebye he so sweet bye bye gibby wow hi gibby bye gibby Bye Goldie Bye Gibby! Bye bye GB LOL??? Love ya Goldie Bye Bullet. lmao LOL lol nice lets goo y'all are dicking on This is like a hit s Later gibbe did not even say hat yea they didnt like Dude, that's girls o he didnt hear the il wow ezpz ez strange didnt even r You just kind of coo That was so quick. lol So you're Gold 2? so you dont hate him