1.1万件/時the dogs are barking you're gonna jinx it Happy puppy lucky Yeah.... there's no LOL Am I tripping or is LMAO lmaooooooo LMFAO do you? 10 Uhhhhhhh oh no! LMAO lmao LMAOI welp lol Calli... nice LMAO the words were eaten GG EZ lol that was ambitious RIP wait what? classic LOL oof oh... Lul Amazing Nice, nice Slipped right throug had to happen sooner whoops どんまい um........... 😆 lol CLIP IT BOIS Dogs beat Great way to join ba how about gravity? Words eaten ! classic pon yeah, he is very coo
4068件/時oh LOL drifting through tim lmao dorifto humu humu dejavu ドリフトまつげw De JA Vu I've worn t LOL makes them voluminou naruhodo LOL Euro beats intensifi the brand is named D makes your lashes he @Zack Jacob Long lashes are lusc oh neat Does it clump? I didn't know that : ahh i see I see デビルメイクライ4、来年やるんですか? Multi-Eyelash Drifit Right. Because of yo I see oh no yea we know a 草 aw Grandma 草 I like knowing more yeah?
1844件/時he's so out of it he ntgg lmfao awww cute Gotta get that car m nt suddenly he sounded enjoy your game huge shu it's been 8 hour dang yeah Wait…did he do it or I'm back n shu's sti can u make a village maybe you just need your place! their home base they showed up for v Uhoh Canadian advant wait has he won thre you got thiss!!! Home turf Canadians rise hm It’s real Canada, home sweet h +2 see yaaaa pin comment 100% rea LMFAOOO lmao +2 lmao www No snow in the map, +2 lmao??? that was so lmao
944件/時Time for the seggs r that is true LOVE WE WANT LOVE lub ♥️ maybe don't go for i Maybe the first one A pastor? preacher clara honey? TOO SOON oh no bringing up ex I WANNA HOLD HANDS A omg uh oh what a curveball this is a tough one Hmmmmm tough one relationship Uh He ain't no homewrec we need to look up a err on the side of h yeah, that's the act this is where you te Nice SO unchill Good word choice. you're welcome okay that was a good he did say he thinks 😎👍👍 lmao so true bestie TRUE
2543件/時party joker instead oh no repeat hands sell ace yeah Maybe replace the Ac throwback late but w oh throwback is 2.25 yes no dont Throwback is good. WIN BIG ! Reine its already 2,25 mul do it x2.25 replace ace with thr スローバック取れば勝ちじゃない?(。・ω def sell ace u hae many aces THROWBACK Yeah I'd sell Ace fo but you just multed yes replace scholar throwback is useful Time to throw it bac it's worth it DNA on the throwback Should be fine now we play nya ce you win now