2174件/時tidak salah wkwkw maen dari pagi buat Shannon aja 2jam+ yang barusan collab can anyone tell me Ga kaget, Ris XD their holding pretty nicee nice nice stop them Risuuu Stop ELA holy 9 hours???? gpp ris cuma 6jam I just woke up and y short stream indeed ini baru 9 jam Wow Penni taking car shanon tumbang kah? use z to ur punisher Kaela needs a breal ult SHE'S BEEN STREAMING spidey is a menace iron fist man RIP cloak Risu : if i join i'm Ela you can climb wa give ur Z to punishe [EN] Risu: I'm worri
15件/時怖そうなおばさん 一平「わかるよ、気持ち」 コロナのことぜんぶおしえて What is the password What day is it today I got this まあそれは確かにそう さすが殺人国家 1945年から何も変わっ 2025年1月15日 02時12分頃日向 近年の地震は、世界基軸通貨が金本位制が移 おはようございます。 みっともないCEOだなぁw 🙏 逆にめっちゃ日本アゲてへんか 俺のコメ上位だと通らないの草 ←^^
32件/時I would be grateful I would be grateful yo very nice everybody bitbank ABEMA TAKARA REEEBEN REEEBEN is this like the min this is makushita, f denuma theres denuma from f currently makushita east タイトルに9月場所って書いてあるのいつ修 slappy slapped the daylight THATS REALLY GOOD nobehara spotted on The ref had a word w maybe it was about h i saw the ref pointe thousand plus people less than a hundred go go nopehara, next aw shjet wack hakoho clone stiff arm Did roga go up yet?
1310件/時🙆♀ we have this though willy in chat Lmaoo 🙆♀ 🙆♀ 🙆♀️ yuh shu hypers yeahhh 🙆♀️ ohhh this one lmao yeah shu focus smh lock in stop spawning zombie 🙆🏻♀🙆🏻♀🙆🏻♀ noooo noooo noooooo SHUU NOOO nooooo Noooooooo NAURRR noooo omg NOOOOOOO noooo claude clutch ayo o7 omg real a true zombie apocal noooo yeah you should Shu oh ooh thats nice Oh the shmovements oh
2623件/時YOOOO YOOOOO HE GOT 2!! OMG YESSSS WHAT A SA yayyyyyyy niceee Yayyyy YAY yay niceee POGU customer yay pfft scammer BOSS LMAO yaaaay You can’t do that lm scamma nice lmao now what HAHAH omg,out of stock alr order more toys!! too late OFF THE STREET XD order stuff toyless store order more toys ? hahh too late kiddo lmao oh oh no... lmao The room? lmaoo there's nothing to p she was being nice a this kid blind lol buy from toyverse an check the other romm sorry kid no toys fo Oh now people are co