1.4万件/時it was just the radi no don't pick up LOOK OUT! Monkey? Look at the fridge L 🐒? bro it's your pizza Behind you!! cc is knocking It's too late now run 🐒 AA aaa AA~ bro I watched this l HERE WE GOOOOOOO who is the one who k It's ok guys let her gremlin noises never forget she's a preemptive screaming chat shut up LOL What knocking? go back to the fridg open the window i'm 🧲 you did 2 hours of f your girlfriend want gigi is so brave 100% chimp behavior frige AA uber eats? Bro is preemptively
2951件/時60% holy check hooded one Oh my Wait, are we OP now? oooh 60 > 47 ooooh wow yeah you might be able to Just don't die and 6 faster kills that's more than hal よさそう you absolutley know 1.6x damage is crazy That sounds LOVEY that's very good for ina, fighting! You'l maximum damage! do you have enough m you can sell blues f Was that all our mon keep socket items to hi You can ctrl + left Maximum damage use the book ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAI big dam! Double damage! You can compare with it gives bigger fire
3636件/時LMAOO no he'd like that based this is the guy that Lol He might be into tha based what a meanie ? Mint got that DAWG i Hi raiders welcome raiders Boo scalper! Oh this mfer Hi Raiders! Hi raiders! hi raiders! youre a raid magnet You're so popular to scalpers Welcome Raiders! hi raiders Think 5 were enough Welcome raiders Hi raiders Hi, raiders! don't do it Hi Raiders hi raiders. hello raiiers Hello raiders welcome raider Everyone loves Minki hit em with the shov Welcome saff and rai Welcome raiders!
2827件/時It was in fact more LMAOOOO lmao thy name is hubris l LOL LMAOOOO soju curse lmao the wheel really sai Bad Luck Babe the wheel of fate And if you're having Lmao LMAO 👏👏👏👏 the world said what you...are taking soj get soju idiot the least favourite Only Ruze can have s Shots shots shots sh That fucking side ey I don’t see rise aga grape Nice suggestion Sens -1 luck So in like 7 songs THIS IDOL IS GREAT! not the nards his -1 luck was out MEME SONG Meme songgg meme song woo hoooo rota I'm a choir kid