4.1万件/時I would yell at you LOL lol I hate when people t YOU DO IT ON PURPOSE poor subaru You've already beate xD based gaslighting "I'm not yelling! Th LOL lol i would die if someo whats the loudest yo hellooooo bruh lol deserved The louder someone i put up your dukes, l hmmm 🤔🤔🤔 happy to se my mom talk/yells say it tomorrow lol People around me alw LOL I get that lol LOUD GANG RISE LAWL BRING IT ON lol yeah i do that t ? thats a risky statem Gura is so mean lol DONT BULLY THE LOUDI When you actually sp
2.2万件/時So fast! SMART PUPPERS かしこい! Nice NICE Big Brain Moco-chan Nice! OK ナイスゥ!! NICE Smart MOGOGO! Nicely done! Smartcoco nice Nice! tensai Ez big brain mococo モコちゃんやるやん SMART Great Mococo! MOCOCO is so SMART w Nice SMART lever Smart nice Is this Still Wakes ナイス! Nive So smart, solved so Smart doggos tensai BIG BRAIN MocoGamer smart bau bau smart Big brain move smort doggos Nice Smart Mococo Mococo Gaming MOGOGAMING bro I can't with thi speedrun 解くの速い…w
2708件/時your phase 1 was rea hypergeon gael the k theres some neat stu preppin good Blood vials are them there still some sec Increased damage wil biboooo oh also you have a b A lil bit more damag just need a bit more in a pickle Just the crystal liz Ganbare katana? Where the guy grabbe oh yeah the two bag dont forget adellas or you can eat pebbl i think the big wolf sack bois in gaol dr 2 more weapon levels D| in biboo we trust the gargoyle drop it show us some cinema after the bridge, ke AWAY the kidnappers
852件/時aegis りゅーおーさんdq回避したんや Aah I see my bad cloud isnt even top who else aside sparg #眉毛win bair tell me Cloud top 5 demo Mar Kola thats his secondary prob one of the japa ルーシアさんポケカまで抑えるんか りゅーおーwin Marth Tsuyo Cloud is broken lol just cause there say names Easily top 5 people There was one jap du ふぁいやーくんかわちい f1re #りゅーおーwin mfs bringing the lar カード強いなぁ I'll say moves inste りゅーおーWIN
57件/時全試合はスターダムワールドで生配信!→h hanako you are awsom mayu 😀😀😀😀😀 I love you Sadako 😘 吏南ちゃん!とても字が綺麗😍 Mayu Let’s go Mayu まといちゃんをスターズに勧誘できるかな おはようございます😊 スターズは可能性低いよ こんにちは こんにちは! こんにちは kon'nichiwa アイコン、纏ちゃんには優しくしてね the time is now! 🎶STARDOM🎶STARDOM🎶 まとい、育成マッチだね
41件/時king naruhito give m king naruhito give m king naruhito give m king naruhito give m king naruhito give m king naruhito give m Wtf king naruhito give m king naruhito give m king naruhito give m king naruhito give m トランプが大統領でないとき、アメリカはど やられたらやり返す30%返しだ 全く関係ない和久井映見さん流れ弾被弾 阪神・淡路大震災追悼式。 木枯らしに抱かれて。 The Stardust Memory Cosmos LIAR ロサンゼルス大震災。
2331件/時💚💚💚 💚💚💚 hi 💚💚💚 blue sugar?? omg so goodddd Iiii 💚💚💚 blue sugar 💚💚💚 Good night everyone BLUE SUGAR 💚💚💚 💚💚💚 beautiful blue sugar 😄 💚💚💚💚 💚💚💚 blue suger' blue suger blue suger💚💚💚 💚💚💚 💚💚💚 blue sugar love it bluee sugarrrr blue sugar blue sugar 💚💚💚 I want that that blu blue suger blue sugar! Blue sugar I want that that blue sugar high~ I want that that~ love it 💚💚💚 blue sugerrrrr
139件/時ナイス! 👏👏👏 ダルさん~~~~!!!!! Wooo go Daru! ダルさん痩せた!? バイバイ定期 ダイエットされてますね! ダルさん超痩せてる ダルさん...💗 久しぶりに見たので分からなかった!ナイス Chipp! Baiken vs. Chipp! つぼいくんがんばれー!! is TY still in this? No, unfortunately 磁界王がんばれ!! does anyone know whe つぼいくんイケー!! @Jasper after this t I assume after Striv うま
234件/時One of the primal pa Id From Relink and/o so long top 16 :E so next is Granblue @Bloo561 you're a re then they will go ba yea i was gonna say finally they will cl see you all in 20 mi WC time brb Either before or aft strive's top 16 isn' just as a fyi it is they did the last ma The bracket doesn't Top 8: Winners Poka losers: Daru vs. Met cause it shows top 8 Oh i see what you're i meat like top 16 t you're just meaning Top 8 will be later rooting for Daru Strive remove half o guys strive isnt ove